the big cosmic joke







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Order Sarah's New book

The Big Cosmic Joke - A Pocket Guide to Humanity

the big cosmic jokeIn this new book Sarah takes a satirical look at the way in which society has changed over the last few years.

A short story based in the not too distant future with a cast of fictional characters it describes the world as a soap opera with a number of starring actors each playing a role. After reading the book it poses many thought provoking questions about humanity and what can be done to make a positive change.

For all purchases of the Big Cosmic Joke either via Amazon or this website half of all  profits will go to a new non governmental organisation called Friends of Gaza. The donations will provide much needed support for the people there including initially setting up accommodation where internationals can stay during their visits to Gaza. You can find more details on the donation page of this site.

If you would like to read more about Gaza you can go here

About the Big Cosmic Joke


"The perfect pocket sized book to give to all your friends who think that everything is OK and right with this world - in time for Xmas"

“At first glance you might think The Big Cosmic Joke is simply an entertaining fairy tale, albeit a very dark and adult one. However behind the black humour, the clever characterisations and the wise and witty words lie some sinister truths. This book reveals the reality of our sick society and begs the question - Isn't it time you woke up? In The Big Cosmic Joke, Sarah Strudwick makes some sharp observations about human nature and summarises astutely exactly why society is working against rather than for the vast majority of us. This book should be compulsory reading for everyone - highly recommended.
Sharon Simpson


Available on Amazon and Kindle

Also available as an exclusive PDF download from this website

"The Phoenix Spirit" Finding balance and wholeness after abuse


  Only available on Amazon and Kindle

Read a Sample chapter here 

For those readers who may have read every other book on psychopathy, narcissism or victims or abuse, there comes a point after being in a relationship with a disordered personality whereby they no longer want to be a victim or a survivor. Sarah Strudwick's second book "The Phoenix" takes the reader through her own journey 2 years post psychopath. She also uses the examples of other victims of abuse and explains why its so important to find the mythological part of ourselves in order that we can finally move on from abuse. The stories include those who have been able to move on and those who remain stuck. The book covers many topics from sorting out the devastating aftermath and mess we are often left with to trusting our own intuition in the future and exploring love again. With a guest chapter by best selling author Dr George Simon, author of "Character Disturbance", who discusses why therapy is useful for targets and why it may not be so helpful for those who have pathology. The Phoenix Spirit is a book for those who want to put all the abuse firmly behind them, whether they were a target who is struggling to move on, or someone who is thinking about inspiring others with their own stories, and wants to ultimately learn how to really move on and thrive again.




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